Friday, June 5, 2020

Family Members #2 - คำศัพท์สมาชิกในครอบครัวชุดที่ 2

Family Members
  • father                      a male parent
  • grandfather             the father of your mother or father
  • great-grandfather    the father of your grandmother or grandfather
  • father-in-law            the father of your husband or wife
  • stepfather               the man who is married to your mother but who is not your real father

  • mother                     a female parent
  • grandmother            the mother of your father or mother
  • great-grandmother  the mother of your grandfather or grandmother
  • mother-in-law          the mother of your husband or wife
  • stepmother              the woman who is married to your father but who is not your real mother

  • son                         your male child
  • grandson               the son of your son or daughter  
  • great-grandson      the son of your grandchild
  • son-in-law              the man who is married to your daughter
  • stepson                  the son of your husband or wife from a previous marriage

  • brother                     
  • older brother            
  • younger brother       
  • brother-in-law         
  • stepbrother              

  • sister                         
  • older sister                
  • younger sister           
  • sister-in-law              
  • stepsister                   

  • uncle                          
  • aunt                            
  • cousin                         
  • parent                         
  • guardian                     

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Mattayom 2/8 (Academic Year 2021)